SLT and Campus Ministry, Assumption School thanks you!
Student Leadership Team and Campus Ministry 2019-2020 are in their last week of their term and Assumption School cannot thank you all enough for providing leadership, service, fun, and faith to our school. SLT and CM have met online daily during our Shelter in Place order and created our school assemblies each day with their amazing moderators Mrs. Martin and Mr. D. They all might not know how much their work has meant to our Assumption School family.
SLT and Campus Ministry, you have brought into our lives comfort and something familiar! And you just keep getting better. While you end your time as our SLT and Campus Ministry, know we appreciate all the work you do! Thank you! You got one more assembly for tomorrow, Friday. Great job!
We are excited to welcome our 2020-2021 SLT and Campus Ministry leaders on MONDAY with a new crew for assembly. And our virtual SLT/CM Inauguration will be posted soon!