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Volunteer Service Menu

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Title Description Anticipated Hours
Chairperson Vision behind festival 25
Stage / Entertainment Coordinator Organize 2 day stage performances. 25
Event Photo Booth Set up photo booth. Organize if formal with photographer or informal with step&repeat screen. Determined with Chairperson. Variable
Event photographer Photos of event. Create Post-festival video or photo collage. Variable
SetUp/TakeDown  Organize both the setup and take down of Festival items 25
Electrician Wiring to allow for power and lights for the Festival - set-up and take down 25
Promotional / Marketing
Public press releases, community flier distribution, preschool liaison, festival Fridays leading up to the festival to keep student informed, work with SLT, parish liason - flocknotes 25
Donation Coordinator
Work with prize booth and family food booths to organize donations needed. 
- Prize booth: new or lighlty used toys/games. Coordinate donations from toy stores. 
- Food booths: pre-packaged drinks and snacks
Volunteer Coordinator
Coordinate 7th and 8th grade volunteering at booths. Expand volunteer pool - reach out to alumni, recent Assumption grads/HS students to help volunteer. Coordinator with Chairperson documentation of volunteer hours/sign-in
Festival Art / T-Shirt Coordinator Organize student art with art class. Design tshirt art in collaboration with chairperson. Facilitate shirt ordering and distribution 25
Bank Management of funds during the event. 25
Ticket Booth Coordinator 10 hours for signing up to coordinate. Responsible to arrange for booth shift coverage 25
Game Booth Coordinators 5 hours for signing up to coordinate. Responsible to arrange for booth shift coverage 25
Prize Booth Coordinator 10 hours for signing up to coordinate. Responsible to arrange for booth shift coverage 25
Glow Cart Coordinator Ordering and management of glow cart item and sales during event 25
Family Food Booths Organize and host food booths during festival. 25
Sunday Brunch Organize and host Sunday brunch 9-1pm. Entertainment as needed.  25
Kitchen/Food Maintenance Runner Assist family food booths with kitchen needs. Review school kitchen supplies. Ensure cleaned prior to and after festival. Review serving storage (plates, napkin, utensils) and ensure enough for family food booths  Variable
21+section: Bar / Beer Coordinator Bar and Beer Cart for Friday and Saturday evenings. Entertainment - coordinate with chairperson.   25
Sanitation Coordinator Coordinate trash bin renal from San Leandro, parent volunteers or hire janitorial service to manage trash collection, regular bathroom cleaning and re-supplying, general cleaning during festival hours and after. Coordinate parking sweep after festival. 25
Parent Patrol Coordinator Work with chairperson regarding signage for safety and privacy. Coordinate parent and teacher volunteers to patrol during the event.  25
Overnight Security Coordinator Coordinate volunteers to monitor school overnight on Thursday and Friday night. 25
Event Day Runners Assist Chairpersons Day of the Event. Ipad assistance to ensure all are working. Filling in booths if any are absent. Assisting prn jobs.  Variable
Title Description Anticipated Hours
Chairperson Vision behind fun run.  20
Just Giving Coordinator Set-up Just Giving Pages for all families. Assist families with any access issues or questions.  20
Incentive Coordinator Determine fundraising prize levels and prizes. Distribution of prizes after Fun Run.  20
Marketing / communications  Coordinator Social Media documentation and posts 20
Fun Run T-Shirt Fun Run Label. Design, distribute and ensure enough for all students Variable
Decorations Coordinator Balloon Towers for finish line of all grades Variable
Fun Run Setup Team Day of Set Up Team 2-4
Photography Team Ensures that every student has a photo of them during and at end of Fun Run. 2-4
Fun Run Lap Checkers Day of Event. Lap Checkers 2-4
Hospitality  Responsible for children water and snacks. Responsible for adult volunteer water, coffee and snacks.  2-4
Title Description Anticipated Hours
Chairperson Vision behind gala. Organize location, dining experience and main of the gala evening. 25
Marketing/Communications Coordinator Weekly communications through school newsletter and to class parents to ensure community aware of all details of the events.  25
Sponsor Banners Design and organize printing and posting sponsorship banner. Sponsorship team to provide list of sponsor names and logos. 5
Treasurer Event budget.  25
Bank Management of fund exchange at the gala event. 25
Paybee Pay WebSite Setup and management of auction postings. 25
Website/Graphic Design Work with Chairperson to design fliers for event. Update gala webpage as needed.  25
Silent / Live Auction Donations Solicit donations from organizations, local businesses and school community. This position requires involvement with ChairPerson several months before event. 25
Program Design / Print Create program for live and dessert auction and recognition of sponsors. Variable
Dessert Auction Coordinator Organize donations of desserts for auction. Organize cake presenters during the auction.  25
Decorations Coordinator Works with Chairperson regarding vision. Purchase necessary decoration. Organize team of volunteers to decorate day of. 25
Entertainment / Auctioneer Coordinator Works with Chairperson regarding entertainment, photo booth and auctioneer selection.  25
52 Card Raffle Coordinator Night of auction/gala mingle with attendees and sell raffle tickets. 25
Classroom Art Project Coordinators Coordinate with all grade class parents Auction Art Project Responsibilities.  25
Thank You Coordinator Send thank you / donation acknowledgements to all donors and sponsors Variable
Title Description Anticipated Hours
Chairperson Vision and organizer of Week of Giving 20
Incentives Coordinator Coordinate and manage the events decided upon that get unlocked by reaching financial goals 20
Just Giving Coordinator Set-up Just Giving Pages for all families. Assist families with any access issues or questions.  20
Marketing / communications Coordinator Communications to school community. Social Media documentation and posts 20
Title Description Anticipated Hours
School Library Volunteer Assist school librarian with grade library time
Choice Lunch Volunteer School lunch time distribution of choice lunch student lunches
School Calendar Organizer Summer job
School Beautification and Repair Projects Throughout the year asks by the school.
Class Room Parent Room Parent handbook 30
Classroom Assistance Throughout the year asks by the school or your grade teacher for classroom assistance.
School Fieldtrip Chaperones Fieldtrip asks by grade teacher.
Title Description Anticipated Hours
Parent Teacher Group 
(PTG) Officer
Monthly meetings. Board Roles Vary. 
Commit to 6 fundraising meetings per school year. Help develop vision of mission based fundraising. Opportunities to assist in major fundraising evens.  5-10
Join a dedicated team that facilitates sponsorships for all the school's major events. 4-5 planning meetings a year. 10-20
Annual Fund
Join a dedicated team managing the incoming annual fund donations. Help the school recognize donors10- 10-20
School Advisory Board - General Member School Board Page 20
Board Workgroups:  Catholic Identity "
Board Workgroups:  Plants and Facilities "
Board Workgroups:  Advancements/Development: Sustainability, Grant Writing / Technology / DEI, etc. "
Board Workgroups:  Marketing "
Assumption Foundation Board
Foundation Board Page Members follow the mission to preserve and grow an endowment fund to enable regular gifts from investment income to support Assumption School. 
Title Description Anticipated Hours
CYO Board
CYO Coach
Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross-country
CYO Volunteer
Score keeping, hospitality/snack bar, preparing the gym are some volunteer roles.  Variable
Faith Formation Teacher
Parish Faith Formation Variable
Bible Camp Coordinator
Summer Camp Page Variable
(20 - Elected Officers)
Title Description Anticipated Hours
Uniform Exchange
Organize uniform exchange opportunities. One during September Festival. One during Spring semester.
Parent Ambassadors
 Welcome new families to Assumption. Be a resource to them through their first year. Guidance and updates provided by Ms. Rubio’s influence.
Meeting and Mass Attendance
PTG Parent Education and Social Nights
School Sponsored Sunday Masses