Welcome to 2nd
Welcome to Second Grade!
Dear Families,
Hello and welcome! I am Marilyn Stewart, and it will be my pleasure to have your child as a student in 2nd grade! I am excited to have your child in my class! We are going to explore learning in a variety of subjects which include reading, writing, math and most profoundly, religion. This is an exciting year for a young Catholic’s First Holy Communion as well as the foundational development in faith and understanding of Catholic beliefs. There are many fun activities and special moments to be shared. Please join me and the whole Assumption community as we look forward to and begin a great year of education, connections, and positive growth in your young students. This year is truly a gift to work with your child, and I will passionately teach him or her to achieve their full potential. Parents and family are always welcome into our learning environment, so please feel free to visit and support our classroom after all visiting/volunteer requirements are met.
With joy and peace,
Ms. Marilyn Stewart
Ms. Marilyn Stewart - Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Livia Madrid - Instructional Assistant
Religion/Family Life: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Sadlier
- Subject Matter: Recognizing bible stories and their application to daily life, knowledge of Catholic prayers and mass responses, articulation of church doctrine/history/moral issues, preparation for sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, understanding of the Holy Trinity, and the uniqueness of each child.
- Expectations: Daily participation, attendance and reverence at mass, basic understanding of the sacraments, especially of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and to develop a sincere respect and tolerance of others.
- Grading: Daily oral and written participation, home/parent study in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion.
Mathematics: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: enVision Mathematics Common Core: Grade 2; Volume 1 and 2
- Subject Matter: Including, but not limited to: number sense, addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, fractions, money, geometry, graphing, word problems.
- Expectations: Appropriate use of manipulatives, participation in daily hands-on activities, oral reasoning, effort in maintaining math journals, memorization of basic addition and subtraction facts, accuracy in daily work and on assessments.
- Grading: Oral and written participation during in class activities and other forms of assessment.
Reading: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Scott Foresman Reading Program, Razkids, Reading A-Z Curriculum
- Subject Matter: Exploring various genres, cause/effect, new vocabulary, sequencing, main ideas, comprehension, and quality literature
- Expectations: Full participation in cooperative reading groups, Literature Circles, proficiency in skills presented, fluency, weekly home reading, poetry folders and increased reading enjoyment.
- Grading: Oral and written participation
Phonics/Spelling: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Heggerty
- Subject Matter: Long and short vowels, digraphs, blends, root words and endings, prefixes and suffixes (correlated with spelling list).
- Expectations: Daily oral and written participation in weekly spelling activities and tests.
- Grading: Oral participation and written assessments
Handwriting: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Handwriting Without Tears (HWT): Cursive Kickoff, Learning Without Tears
- Subject Matter: Review formation of lower and upper case manuscript letters and numbers leading to the formation of lower and uppercase cursive letters, words, and passages.
- Expectations: Neatness, proper spacing, and the correct formation of letters according to HWT's multisensory teaching strategies and assessments of both the manuscript and cursive alphabets.
Language Arts: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Lucy Calkins Writing Pathways
- Subject Matter: Assumption School has adopted Writing Pathways across all grade levels. These learning units are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assist our knowledge of the teaching of writing. In the Units of Study, students will be able to synthesize, analyze, compare and contrast information and ideas. This program will give students the skills to write narratives, persuasive arguments, and informational texts.
- Expectations: Daily individual and written group work, oral participation, demonstration of correct principles of grammar through speech, writing samples, and active participation in “Writer’s Workshop”.
- Grading: Oral participation and written assessments within various writing activities. Writing notebooks will also be assessed.
Social Studies: Ms. Marilyn Stewart
- Text: Houghton Mifflin
- Subject Matter: Family traditions and ancestry, neighborhoods, global interdependence, maps, how/where products and food come from, historical heroes, the value of quality citizenship and the rules, laws and role of government.
- Expectations: Frequent partner and whole class discussion and the ability to demonstrate learned concepts in personal projects.
- Grading: Oral and written participation in the form of both in-class assessments and take-home projects.
Art: Mrs. Maureen Keeler
Please have your child bring an old t-shirt to school that can be worn over their uniform shirt as needed.
- Subject Matter: The art curriculum for transitional kindergarten (TK) through 3rd grade is designed to nurture creativity, develop fundamental artistic skills, and encourage self-expression. The activities are designed to be age-appropriate and engaging, helping students to develop confidence in their artistic abilities while having fun. Here’s an overview of what you might expect in an art curriculum for these early grades:
- Learning about famous artists and imitating various art styles
- Appreciating diversity in art and understanding different perspectives
- Encouraging students to express their own ideas and emotions through their artwork
- Understanding and applying the elements of art such as line, shape, color, texture, and space
- Using art tools effectively
- Creating projects with mixed media and using materials like watercolor, oil pastels, and washable tempera paint
- Focusing on process, not perfection
Science: Mrs. Maureen Keeler
- Text: Foss [hands-on program aligned to the new NGSS standards], Mystery Science, Generation Genius
- Subject Matter: Throughout TK-3, the focus of science is on fostering curiosity, developing basic scientific skills, and encouraging a love for exploration and discovery. Students will learn what science is and what scientists do. They will engage in engineering design. Concepts, subject matter, and expectations advance throughout the grades. Here's an overview of subject matter in each grade:
- TK: Introduction to basic concepts such as the five senses, identifying patterns in nature (e.g., seasonal changes), living v. nonliving, animal parts/needs/habitats/behavior, plant & animal life cycles, water, sound, force & motion, magnets, color, outer space, and my body
- K: Investigate and tell how forces affect the way objects move (push, pull, gravity), describe ways that plants and animals impact their environments, and describe how weather changes over time in recognizable patterns
- 1: Investigate and describe how light and sound travel, observe the sun, moon, and stars and make predictions, and describe relationships between plant and animal parts and their functions
- 2: Compare properties of states of matter (solids, liquids, gasses) explain diversity and interdependence of living things in ecosystems, and analyze process that shape Earth over long and short periods of time
- 3: Explain changes in organisms' traits & environments that affect survival, explain effects of balanced/unbalanced forces on motion, quantify and predict weather conditions
- Expectations: Students will be expected to fully participate in all hands-on and written science activities and discussions. They will be required to utilize higher level thinking skills as they learn to scientifically explore and discover the world around them. Students will be required to follow instructions carefully and practice safe procedures during all investigations.
- Assessments: Assessments are designed to be age-appropriate and to provide insights into students' understanding and abilities in a supportive, engaging way. Examples of assessments include observation, work samples, written reflections, quizzes, and tests.
Library: Mrs. Katherine Rubio
“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child” - Dr. Seuss
- Subject Matter: According to Jim Trelease’s book entitled, The Read-Aloud Handbook, research repeatedly validates the importance of reading aloud to children because it improves a child’s reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills along with enhancing a child’s attitude towards reading.
- Expectations: Students will be expected to adhere to the usual rules you would have in any other public library. Additionally, sometimes books do get lost or damaged. The policy for this school library is that in the event that this happens, the book would either need to be replaced with another book [in excellent condition] of equal value, or remit a check made out to Assumption School that covers the cost of the book.
- NOTE: In-person library classes are usually held once a week. Breathtaking, religious stained glass windows provide the perfect backdrop for an enriching library experience. Grades TK-3 check out books for [1] week; grades 4 and 5 get to check out books for [2] weeks.
- In addition to providing students with a variety of reading adventures, the library hosts an annual book fair through Scholastic in the Spring. This event sparks a lot of excitement and enthusiasm - it’s like having our very own bookstore for a week!
Physical Education: Mr. Mike Shimabukoro
- Subject Matter: Students will learn the basic fundamentals of sports (football, baseball, kickball, basketball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, and volleyball) along with team building activities in which they will be working in small and large groups. Students will also learn many life lessons that are created during class activities.
- Expectations: Students will be expected to participate to the best of their ability while showing respect to their classmates as well as their teacher. They are also expected to have as much fun as possible during physical education!
- Grading: Students will be graded on effort, participation, and how they treat others during their physical education classes.
Spanish: Mrs. Andrea Contreras
- Subject Matter:
- Students will:
- Recognize and recite classroom word
- Talk about wants and needs
- Recognize animals in Spanish
- Recognize food in Spanish
- Recite the alphabet
- Colors and numbers in Spanish
- Practice how to greet and introduce themselves
- Discuss in Spanish the things they need and want for their classes
- Discuss the calendar and weather
- Describe themselves and personality traits
- Describe the items in their rooms and in pictures
- Describe how they prepare themselves for school
- Describe extended family and family in general and students will recite and translate prayers
- New vocabulary, books, games, and music will be introduced around the theme of activities and personality traits
- Grammar: Students will learn vowels, gender, cognates, infinitives, negatives, and structures to express agreement and disagreement, and adjectives.
- Cultural Perspectives: Students will learn about several Spanish-speaking countries and cultural differences. They will also learn about holidays: Independence Day, Day of the Dead, Christmas, Cesar Chavez Day, Cinco de Mayo, Children’s Day, and Three Kings Day.
- Expectations: Students are encouraged to participate in classroom activities and projects, and to communicate with other students and I in Spanish. I am excited and look forward to working with all of you this year!
- Grading: Grades will be based on class participation.
Music: Mr. Bill Vaughan
- Subject Matter: In music class, we sing, sing, and sing. We prepare music for weekly Masses, the Fall Festival, and the Advent/Christmas and Spring concerts. In the midst of all this singing, I train every student to become a cantor (if he or she wishes). We learn how to read music, learn about instruments and a bit about the story of music.
- Expectations: Active participation through singing and memorization of the musical score in class is primary. In order to do this, good behavior in the classroom and church is a must. Attendance with an animated spirit at all school- sponsored Masses, Christmas and Spring concerts is mandatory.
- Grading: Grading (a letter or number grade) will be based on assessments made at the time of a ‘performance.’ Along with these assessments, I also review behavior in the classroom and church, active class participation, and attendance at mandatory liturgies/concerts.
- Materials: I will supply the students with musical scores and worship leaflets to learn music. Let’s get started!!
Learning Support Team
To ensure that the needs of all learners are met, Assumption School has two part-time teachers who support both students and their teachers. Student services include both individual and small group pullout or push-in instruction. If you believe your student has special needs, please discuss your concerns with their teacher and/or the Learning Support Coordinator, or Reading Resource Teacher, Krista Imrie
***For all questions regarding Art, Science, Spanish, Physical Education and Music, etc., please direct those to that assigned teacher listed above.***
When a homeroom homework schedule begins, assignments and/or a weekly packet is to be expected. Packets will be sent home weekly in your child’s green folder every Monday and completed packets are collected every Friday. When necessary, the front of the packet will have a breakdown of homework that is expected to be completed every night, however, homework may be done in any order that suits you and your family’s schedule. Towards the end of the year, homework may be sent home nightly and students will practice writing their homework down in preparation for the expectations they will face next year.
If homework is forgotten at home or in the car, please do not bring it to school during the day for your child. Tomorrow is a new day with another chance to remember to bring it in, but, most importantly, we are working to foster independence and responsibility in our students.
As is stated in our school handbook, second graders are expected to spend 30 - 45 minutes per night on homework-- much of which will include reading. Homework packets will be available every Monday. Early packet requests for out of town trips will not be permitted. Please refer to the Assumption School Handbook.
*If there is not any written homework, please encourage your child to read to you, listen to you read, listen to books on CD, and practice math flashcards.
- Religion: At the end of the week, the Religion book may be sent home with the page(s) we have completed. Please review the page(s) with your son or daughter and initial each page.
- Sacramental Preparation: All preparation will occur in the classroom. Traditionally, 2nd graders will participate in a very special retreat called Bread Day.
- Reading: Weekly stories and poetry will be used to assist students toward improving their fluency. Please have your son or daughter read the story and poems aloud to you. Occasionally, book report sheets will be sent home for your child to complete based on the story we are reading in class that week or on other books of their choice.
- Spelling: Spelling lists will be sent home for review in the Friday newsletter. The list will consist of 12 or more words challenging a variety of 2nd Grade academic levels. Reviewing these words at home is very helpful. Typically, the spelling pretest occurs in class on Monday or Tuesday and the actual test is given Friday morning. In class throughout the week, we will be practicing the words through an assortment of activities such as alphabetizing them, rainbow writing, and so forth.
- Cursive Writing: 2nd graders will be learning how to write in cursive. Feel free to help your son or daughter with their cursive alphabet. Extra practice is ALWAYS encouraged.
- Language Arts: This year, 2nd graders will be writing paragraphs and reports. We will focus on different aspects of writing in our writing workshops such as opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces. To develop their growth as writers, students will be adding details to their writing. Your son or daughter will keep a journal at school with various writing prompts. Periodically, their journals will need to come home for them to complete an activity begun in class requiring a signature.
- Math: Math worksheets/workbooks that correspond and relate to the week’s lesson or for general practice will come home each week. Please allow your son or daughter to complete the pages independently and then, if time and schedules allow, to review at home for errors.
Vacations/Absences During School:
Attendance is critical to your child’s performance in school. Arriving late, consistently, can have a negative impact. We would like to discourage you from taking vacations during school time. We also know that, occasionally, this is unavoidable. Unfortunately, I will not be able to send work home prior to the vacation or create individualized lesson plans for absences due to vacation. Please refer to the Assumption School handbook.
If your son or daughter is ill, please contact the office if you would like homework prepared for you to pick up at the end of the day. Homework will be ready for pick up after 3:30pm.
To report absences to the office please call the school office or email: [email protected]. Emailing this address will record the absence in PowerSchool. If you wish to email the school about your student being absent, please use this address.
Redo/Return Work:
After a concept has been taught and reviewed, children will be checked on their understanding of that concept. Please help your son or daughter to learn the importance of completing their work and to correct any errors when found.
Behavior and Classroom Management
My classroom approach to teaching is focused on praise, firm and positive reinforcement, and helping my students make positive behavior choices. Assumption school has adopted a positive discipline program. Positive Discipline weaves the teaching of social-emotional skills and character development into the fabric of each and every school day.
In addition to this program, students will also have an opportunity to set goals, to self-regulate themselves each day, and work towards making positive behavior choices. I employ the three strike policy in my classroom as well. This method gives students three chances to make better choices. This is communicated to students verbally. The hope is with three chances to make better choices, students will reflect on their behavior and how they can take steps towards making good choices.
Standards based grading is not equivalent or related to letter grading. Students are graded on a scale based on their demonstration of the mastery of the standard that is being assessed. This is done on a 1- 4 scale. Here is the breakdown of grading, which can be found in the Diocesan Parent Guide to Standards Based Grading:
1 - Needs Support/Below Basic Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student exhibits limited skills necessary to meet the learning targets as shown in performances on recall, basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
1.5 - Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student is beginning to develop the necessary skills to meet the learning target as exhibited in performances on recall, basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
2 - Developing/Approaching Mastery Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student is approaching an understanding of the learning target as exhibited in performances on recall, basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
2.5 - Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student almost meets learning targets as exhibited in performances on recall,basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
3 - Proficient/Mastery Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student meets the learning target as exhibited in performances on recall, basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
3.5 - Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student meets and sometimes exceeds learning targets as exhibited in performances on basic application, strategic and extended thinking activities.
4 - Advanced/Exceeds Mastery Using the most recent, comprehensive evidence requiring high levels of cognitive demand, the student exceeds the learning target by performing at exemplary levels.
Based on these descriptions, in Second Grade, a 3 is mastery of the standard, a 3.5 is mastery and on track to exceed above grade level, and a 4 is mastery at an advanced level and above grade level. In Second Grade, a 2.5 and/or 3 is on track with grade level.
Students are always learning and improving, so the purpose in giving grades is to provide parents with an accurate accounting of where your children are on the continuum towards mastery.
Birthdays are celebrated by the class in school. There is no obligation to celebrate your child’s birthday at school; however, if you wish to do so, we ask that, in lieu of any food item, your child donate a book for our classroom library, make a donation to the class treasure chest, or donate your child’s favorite board game to our “indoor recess” collection, etc. Due to allergies, intolerances, and food sensitivities, no food will be permitted.
Field Trips
Please make sure you have completed the Safe Environment training and that you have submitted the certificate to the office. http://www.virtusonline.org This is necessary before you work in the classroom, chaperone on trips, or attend and help with class parties. You must always sign in at the office and receive a volunteer sticker. This is for the safety of the children.
Field trips are an integral part of learning to help students understand concepts and to extend their thinking beyond the classroom. Please look for specific information in my weekly updates. Adventures ahead!
Parent Helpers
Parent volunteers are a big part of 2nd grade. Parents are encouraged to come in to help with special projects, parties, etc. Prior to coming into the classroom, all parents need to have the Safe Environment training on file as well as fingerprints on file with the school office.