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Mr. Vince Silvestri

Seventh Grade

Mr. Vincent Silvestri

7th Grade 2020-21

Assumption School


Welcome to Seventh Grade

Please see Google Classroom for assignments and materials  

Assumption School

Back to School Night

2024 - 2025

Mr. Vince Silvestri

Seventh Grade

Mr. Vincent Silvestri

7th Grade 2023-24

Assumption School

Welcome to Seventh Grade

I am excited about welcoming your students this school year.  The seventh grade is a time of great growth both academically and personally for students, and I look forward to working with you in shepherding these students on the right path.  

God Bless,

Vincent Silvestri


Literature 7: Vince Silvestri

Text: MacDougall-Littell, The Language of Literature, Warriners, Vocabulary Workshop, selected novels (tentatively; The Outsiders, and 2 others tbd), and each student is expected to have an independent reading book.

Expectations: I expect students to read at least 30 minutes per day, either from assigned reading or from independent reading.

Subject Matter: Students will study novels, short stories, plays and poems. They will be asked to think critically about the text, analyze for themes and purpose, and identify literary techniques including alliteration, personification, rhyme, idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes. They will learn the strategies that will help them become active

close readers. Students will write about their reading frequently to show comprehension. Students will learn to write analytical essays

Grading: Grades may be based on papers,tests, quizzes, classroom activities (participation), presentations, writing assignments, and projects.

English 7: Vince Silvestri

Text: Writing Pathways, Lucy Calkins, First Hand Heinemann

Expectations: Students are required to have a journal, in which they will write reflections, take notes, record their ideas, work on their writing assignments and complete homework. Journals will be collected periodically and the quality of work assessed.

Subject Matter: It is increasingly important for all children to be given an education that enables them to synthesize, organize, reflect on and respond to the data in their world. Assumption School has adopted Writing Pathways, the TCRWP Writing Workshop program, across all grade levels. These learning units are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assist our knowledge of the teaching of writing. In the Units of Study, students will be able to synthesize, analyze, compare and contrast information and ideas in a workshop environment. This program will give the students the skills to write narrative, argument and expository texts.

Young Authors Fair: In the second trimester students will create a book. They will write a proposal, conference with me about expectations, draft, edit, format, and bind a book in a genre or mode that interests them. Books will be shared with the class and the school through our Assumption Young Authors Fair.  This is a great opportunity for students to create a substantial piece of work. Be aware that they will most likely need your assistance with the binding process.

Grading: Grades may be based on tests, quizzes, classroom activities (participation), writing assignments, projects, and homework assignments.

Religion: Vince Silvestri

Text: Sadlier, Creed and New Testament, Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Subject Matter: Emphasis will be placed on the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament and the life of Christ; and on the Church as a faith community. It will be taught through mini-themes that focus on Jesus’ message, how we worship, Catholic Social Teachings including service to our community, and family life. Forums will include preview topics, journal writing, and reflections done in class and as homework. I assign lots of hands-on activities and projects based on assignments. Students should be ready to share and listen with respect to classmates.

At the start of the year, the 7th graders are expected to read about 5-10 pages a night of the Habits book. This book is also a workbook. They are allowed to highlight, and make notations inside. I ask that if students can’t keep up with the reading, they talk to me before any quizzes. Each chapter has Baby Steps which are activities that help students live the habits. Some information in the book needs to be discussed with you in regard to setting boundaries in regard to relationships and the issue of sex. While this book promotes for the most part the Catholic ideals about the issue, it is not a Catholic based book and should be put into the context of your own beliefs and guidelines.

Grading: Grades will be based on cumulative assessments including chapter/unit tests, interactive student notebooks/journals and class activities. For the most part, homework assignments will be evaluated according to the quality and completeness of each student’s assignment and will be reflect in each student’s effort grade on both Progress Reports and Report Cards.

Social Studies 7 - Gabe DelCastillo

Publisher: Teachers Curriculum Institute

Every TCI program is designed to reach learners of all abilities using multiple intelligences teaching strategies and theory and research-based active instruction. You can learn more about TCI at An important part of the program is an online Student Subscription. The subscription is our online textbook, and students will need it to complete assignments and study for tests. The TCI Student Subscription includes: Student text, End-of-lesson Reading Challenges, Reading tools such as highlighting, inline vocabulary definitions, and a main idea viewer. Students will need internet access daily for their homework and review. Many assignments will be electronically submitted in class as well as at home.

Subject Matter: The seventh grade course focuses on medieval and early modern world history. This year provides students with opportunities to study the rise and fall of empires, the diffusion of religions and languages, and significant movements of people, ideas, and products. Although societies were quite distinct from one another, there were more exchanges of people, products, and ideas with every passing century. The focus is on questions that get at those larger geographical, historical, economic, and civic patterns.

Expectations: Students are expected to be responsible, organized, respectful and use good communication skills. Work assigned to students should be neat, complete and with full effort. Students should participate in class discussions or on assignments with complete sentences. A big part of their success depends on the Interactive Student Notebook which will become a major resource for them for quizzes and tests. Notebook

checks will be done regularly. History class will be an interactive, cooperative, and hands-on learning experience. Tests are given about every three weeks. Students are tested on material from the text as well as activities or discussions from class and note taking. All assignments must be completed on time. Absent make up work and tests must be completed within a week of student's' absence. Students are responsible for making necessary arrangements.

Grading: The student’s grade is based on class work, the student Interactive Student Notebook, open-notebook quizzes, unit tests, projects and class participation. Homework assignments involving reading and note taking will be evaluated according to the quality and completeness of each assignment and will be reflected in the student’s effort grade on Progress Reports and Report Cards.

Math: Mr. Jason Poon and Mrs. Camille Bass

Texts: Math Accelerated: A Pre-Algebra Program,

McGraw-Hill; Pre-Algebra, Glencoe

Subject Matter: Students will expand their understanding of the number system to include square roots and integers, as well as reviewing previously learned topics such as fractions and decimals. Foundational algebraic concepts, including inequalities and linear functions. They will also focus on strengthening their study and organizational skills to prepare for the transition to mathematics at the high school level.

Expectations: Students will be expected to complete problem sets and corrections daily, as well as ask for help when a particular concept is unclear. It is also imperative that students take clear notes everyday and use them to complete homework and study for assessments. Homework will be checked daily, and notes will be checked periodically.

Grading: Grades will be based on in-class assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. Retests will also be available to students who did not show proficiency on an assessment, but students will be expected to complete various tasks in order to qualify for the retest. Although homework will not be used to calculate their actual letter grade, its completion and correctness will help determine their conduct and effort grades.


Ms. Nicole Campbell

Text: FOSS Kits by Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley

Subject Matter: Throughout the year, we will be going over topics related to Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. We will have a particular focus on Photosynthesis, Ecosystems, the Cycling of Earth’s Materials, Natural Hazards, Chemical Reactions, and Phases of Matter. 

Expectations: Students will be expected to complete daily tasks, quizzes, exit tickets, tests, investigations, and projects. Students are expected to come to class ready to engage in class discussions, prepared by completing any assigned tasks, and bringing any required materials to class each day. Students should arrive to class ready to collaborate with their peers, deeply investigate, and to learn about the many wonders of science!

Grading: Grades will be based on daily class participation, tests, quizzes, projects, and completion of homework.

Spanish: (Mrs. Andrea Contreras)  

Subject Matter

Student will:

-Recognize and recite classroom words 

-Talk about wants and needs 

-Recognize animals in Spanish 

-Recognize food in Spanish 

-Recite the alphabet, colors and numbers in Spanish 

-Practice how to greet and introduce themselves 

-Discuss in Spanish the things they need and want for their class 

-Discuss the calendar and weather 

-Describe themselves and personality traits 

-Describe the items in their rooms and pictures 

-Describe how they prepare themselves for school 

-Describe extended family and family life in general 

-Students will recite and translate prayers

New vocabulary, books, games, and music will be introduced around the theme of activities and personal traits.

Grammar: Students will learn vowels, adjectives, gender, cognates, infinitives, negatives, structures to express agreement and disagreement.

Cultural Perspectives: Students will learn about several Spanish-speaking Countries and cultural differences. They will also learn about Holidays (Independence Day, Day Of The Dead, Christmas, Cesar Chavez Day and Cinco De Mayo, Children’s Day, Three Kings Day). 

Expectations: Students are encouraged to participate in classroom activities and projects, and communicate with other students and I in Spanish. 

Grading: Grades will be based on class participation as well as completion of homework.

Physical Education: Mike Shimabukuro 

Subject Matter: Students will learn the basic fundamentals of sports (football, baseball, kickball, basketball, soccer, hockey, Lacrosse, volleyball)  along with team building activities in which they will be working in small and large groups. Students will also learn many life lessons that are created during class activities.


Expectations: Students will be expected to participate to the best of their ability while showing respect to their classmates as well as their teacher. They are also expected to have as much fun as possible during physical education! 


Grading: Students will be graded based on effort, participation, and how they treat others during their physical education classes. 

Exceptional Needs: 

To ensure that the needs of all learners are met, Assumption School supports both students and their teachers. Student services include both individual and small group pullout or push in instruction. If you believe your student has special needs please discuss your concerns with their homeroom teacher.


Breathtaking religious stained glass windows provide the perfect backdrop for an enriching library experience. Grades T/K – 3 check out books for [1] week; grades 4 and 5 get to check out books for [2] weeks.

In addition to providing students with a variety of reading adventures, the library hosts an annual book fair through Scholastic in the spring. This event sparks a lot of excitement and enthusiasm—it’s like having our very own bookstore for a week!


Students will be expected to adhere to the usual rules you would have in any other public library. Additionally, sometimes books do get lost or damaged. The policy for this school library is that in the event that this happens, the book would either need to be replaced with another book [in excellent condition] of equal value or remit a check made out to Assumption School that covers the cost of the book.

ART- Mrs. Karen Barbera -

ART- Mrs. Karen Barbera -

Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 7:45 AM to 3:30 PM


Subject Matter: The Assumption School Art program is a comprehensive arts program which encompasses the subjects of Visual Arts (Art History, Art Appreciation, Studio Art) and Performing Arts. Students are introduced to various mediums through direct instruction as well as lecture and discussion. Visual Arts subject matter includes various movements in art history and the artists responsible for those movements. Direct instruction demonstrates the elements of art and the use of varied supplies, tools, and mediums. Performing Arts subject matter introduces  acting techniques to improve imagination, focus, memory, and self-confidence. Students in grades 4 through 8  receive letter grades for art based on diocesan guidelines. Students' work is assessed based on the following factors:


Visual Arts:

  1. Preparation.  Supplies required for in-class projects will be listed in Google Classroom on the morning of art class.  Students are expected to check their supply list and be prepared to begin each scheduled class on time. Project materials not on the school supply list will be supplied by the art teacher.  
  2. Completion of work according to instruction.Students must turn in finished work completed according to instruction using the correct techniques and materials. Work must be neat and  done to the best of a student's ability. Incomplete work done with inappropriate materials will not be accepted. 
  3. Complete and return work in a timely manner. Habitual submission of late or incomplete work may result in after-school detention. Absent students must contact Mrs. Barbera to plan and schedule make-up work.
  4. Students' work must be clearly marked with their name.Unlabeled work cannot be graded. 
  5. All work must be the student's own work. Art is a subject which requires experimentation and practice. Neither is accomplished if the work is not done by the students themselves. This is very important.  Perfectly copied work is never as good as any work a student creates on their own.


Performing Arts:

  1. Preparation. Each student is expected to be ready with the correct materials for class. Memorization and practice may be required.
  2. Participation. Students should be actively engaged in class.  It is recognized that students may be new to performing arts but there is an expectation for an increased level of comfort and improvement in technique.
  3. Respect. Drama class is a safe place for self-expression. Students should respect and encourage the work of others.  Teasing will not be tolerated.  


Please visit Mrs. Barbera’s webpage at for more class information.


MUSIC - Bill Vaughan

Music Class –

Fall 2023 ~ Spring 2024

Welcome back!!

Subject Matter: In music class, we sing, sing and sing. We prepare music for

weekly Masses, the Fall Festival, and the Advent/Christmas and Spring Concerts.

In the midst of all this singing, I train every student to become a cantor (if he or

she wishes). We learn how to read music, learn about instruments and a bit about

the story of music.

Expectations: Active participation through singing and memorization of the

musical score in class is primary. In order to do this, good behavior in the

classroom and church is a must. Attendance with an animated spirit at all school-

sponsored Masses, Christmas and Spring Concerts is mandatory.

Grading: Grading (a letter or number grade) will be based on assessments made

at the time of a ‘performance.’ Along with these assessments, I also review

behavior in the classroom and church, active class participation, and attendance

at mandatory liturgies/concerts.

Materials: I will supply the students with musical scores and worship leaflets to

learn music. Let’s get started!!

Mr. Bill Vaughan


Junior High Guidelines:


Students who are absent are responsible for all work and should make arrangements with the teacher to make up tests. Students and parents are responsible for getting all missed assignments. Students have the same number of days (up to three days) to make up assignments after a student’s absence. Students should schedule a time during recess or lunch to conference with individual teachers regarding questions about

absent work.

Birthday Treats:

Please note that birthdays can be celebrated at school by donating a board game, book, or other class resource to the classroom. The student’s donation will be shared and used during the week of his/her birthday. Please contact me to let me know your plans. Thank you for wanting to celebrate your child with the class.


My email address is available If you would like to discuss your child’s progress I would be happy to meet with you in a conference. Please email me at the address listed above or call the office for an appointment.


Teachers and staff continue to use a school-wide social and emotional program, “Positive Discipline.” The focus is creating a positive learning environment where students understand the importance of self evaluation, group problem solving, empathy and self worth. 

This student-centered process was started on the second day of school during the Junior High “Vision Day” Orientation. Junior High students and teachers joined together the second day of school to focus on being the leaders of our school during a day long orientation. During this time, students discussed successful learning environments, student behaviors that support learning, and student/teacher agreed-upon logical



Various Catholic schools in our area host dances for junior high students each month. Dances are not required. The dress code and permission slips for dances are available on the school website.

Students cannot have more than TWO missing assignments from any classes during the previous month by the time the dance is announced, must not be on academic probation, and must be at school on the day of the dance to be able to attend dances.

One parent chaperone is required for each dance we are invited to attend. I will send a dance schedule as soon as I find out.

  • Chaperones arrive 15 minutes early and leave after the last Assumption student is picked up from the dance.
  • Chaperones supervise the sign-in and sign-out process assuring that each student is signed in and out by an authorized adult.

Google Classroom:

Students will have access to Google Classroom, an online learning management system used to engage students safely and effectively in their learning. Students will use their school google accounts for all school communication and assignments. I will be using the site for homework updates, quizzes, and reflections. It will also allow students to turn in assignments, see graded work, take online quizzes, and ask class- related questions in an electronic learning platform. Please note that this will not include any Powerschool grade updates or provide you with an official cumulative grade.

Late Work:

Please check the Parent Handbook regarding our late work policy. Late work is any work turned in after the assigned due date. After three days, late work will impact work- habits grade.

Materials to keep at home:

Please be sure that your child has a quiet place to read and do homework with little or no distractions. Homework can include using the internet, finishing posters, having discussions with you, reflections on learning, reading and taking notes, and finishing/redoing in-class assignments. Please allow for students to use the computer (under supervision) occasionally. Other materials should include binder paper, crayons,

markers, ruler, scissors, correction tape, pens and pencils, erasers, blank white paper, and access to research materials including online and hard copy encyclopedias and atlases. All students should have a current library card.


Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s ideas, language and information without giving proper credit. Common forms of plagiarism include using another person’s language without quoting, putting someone else’s ideas into your own words without citing the source, and submitting another person’s work as your own. Plagiarism is unethical and inhibits academic growth. Making mistakes is part of the learning process and I understand we have to learn how to conduct research. Any repeat incident of plagiarism will lead to disciplinary action.


Powerschool is the Oakland Diocese school management system for attendance and report of achievement. A parent portal to check your student’s grades will be open after the first trimester progress reports. Parents can access their students’ grades in real time. Teachers will post grades within 10 days of all assignments. I plan to use Powerschool as a homework check in as well on a daily basis. While homework and projects might not have a grade, work that is turned in will be checked.

Service Learning Projects:

Service is a fundamental element of who we are. Each year, I work on forming a service Learning project that provides students the intrinsic value of being an Active Christian.

Website: Students and parents can find important information on our School Website at I will post most of my assignments on Google Classroom. Your student will get an add code after they receive their chromebook. Please have them show you their google classroom assignments on a regular basis

Student Responsibilities:

  • Be ready to learn. Intellectually & emotionally engaged with your studies
  • Be organized. Keep track of your own books and assignments
  • Be prepared. Start your work on time and allow adequate time to finish
  • Be an advocate for yourself. Ask for help when you need it
  • Be honest. Do your own work.
  • Be diligent. Turn in your work on time.
  • Be accountable. Accept responsibility for grades and other consequences.
  • Be kind. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.