Support our student-athletes at the Athletics Booster Club's biggest fundraiser of the year! The Annual SJND Ray Ratto, Sr. Pasta Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 12th from 6p.m.-9p.m. in the Kelly Gym. 
Proceeds from this event will go towards new team uniforms, spirit kits, free admission for SJND students to home games, the Ray Ratto Sr. scholarship fund, and other team needs requested by coaches. 
Tickets and Event Sponsorships
You can also fulfill on some of your volunteer hours by helping out with the event. We need your support in making this a successful fundraiser for our student-athletes. Sign-up to be part of our fun volunteer team. 
Sign-up to Volunteer
Want to join the SJND Booster Club?
It’s easy to become a member! We offer several membership levels to fit every family’s budget.