Assumption Academic Decathlon recruiting 5th though 8th graders

Assumption School is looking for students in Grades 5 - 8 to join our Academic Decathlon Team.


An information meeting will be held for students only during lunch on November 9 at 12:35 in the Math Lab. 8th graders: You are on a field trip on Thursday. Please email Mrs. Rocheford your name and interest so we can add you to the Google Classroom. 


The National Catholic Schools Academic Junior High Decathlon (or AJHD) strives to cultivate academic talents, collaboration and organization, and celebrate them in the context of spirit-filled competition.


The Oakland Diocese has combined as a region for the National Catholic Academic Decathlon and will have their regional competition March 2. At least five school teams will compete at Moreau Catholic High School. Assumption School will be one of those teams!


Why should an Assumption Student join the Assumption School Trojan Academic Decathlon Team?


  • It is an honor to represent your school in an academic competition and to be a part of group of outstanding students!
  • It helps students develop excellent study skills.
  • It prepares students for the academic transition into high school.
  • It improves test-taking skills, reasoning skills and teamwork.
  • Decathletes develop lasting friendships with their teammates!
  • Decathletes have tons of fun!!!


Who can join?


Junior High Students (6th, 7th and 8th graders) are eligible to join the Team. Fifth graders are allowed to participate, usually as alternates.


  • love to learn!
  • be dedicated.
  • be a team player.
  • be able to work collaboratively with a study partner and the team.
  • be organized and able to manage time effectively.
  • perform well under pressure.
  • have excellent study skills and be attentive during practice.

If a student participates in the AJHD, keep in mind that:


10 students compete on the day of the Academic Junior High Decathlon.

The remaining students are alternates/study partners.


How much do students have to study?


According to a recent survey of Decathlon coaches, the majority of teams practice for an average of three to five hours per week. Typically, teams meet once or twice a week, and often increase their practice sessions as the day of the competition nears. In addition, decathletes spend about the same amount of time (three to five hours per week) studying materials on their own outside of practice.


Assumption School Practices will likely be held at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Math Lab from 12:35 - 1:10. As we get closer to the Regionals, we will be meeting after school and possibly on weekends.


We will also have a Team Google Classroom for study guides, announcements, and more.


How can parents help?

There are many ways for parents to be supportive of their decathlete:


  • Participate in proctoring at the Diocesan competition for Logic, Super Quiz and individual subject tests as needed.
  • Support your decathlete by assuring that enough time is spent studying for their subjects and that they complete their homework packets.
  • When possible, assist your decathlete in learning their specific subject materials.
  • Some schools hold fundraisers and/or charge a participation fee to cover the costs of the program.
  • Provide snacks for team practices.
  • Ask Coach Rocheford how you can help!




Can't wait to celebrate our Decathletes!

Attached Files