The 2021 Sue Prince Science Fair was a huge success! It was both inspiring and exciting to see the hard work and dedication of all the young scientists at Assumption.
We are thrilled to announce that Eighth graders -- Amaya S., Keira K., Matthew F. and Henry H., as well as Seventh graders -- Jeanette M., Antonio R., James P., Christian Z., and Rachel H. will have the opportunity to move on to the Alameda County and Oakland Diocese science fairs!
7th Grade:
1. Jeannette & Antonio - How does the diet of a bird affect the state of its feces?
2. James & Christian - Does the Location of Contact on a Baseball Bat Affect How Far the Ball Goes?
3. Rachel - The Diet of Yellowjackets: If the sugar levels of a food are higher, how will it affect the amount of yellowjackets that are attracted to it?
1. Amaya - Love at First Sight not Bite:Does visual stimuli affect your willingness to eat and how much you eat in one sitting?
2. Keira - Does Terrain Really Affect Your Running Speed?3. Henry & Matthew - Topspin vs Float Serves