As we move toward the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Assumption St Vincent de Paul Conference is making plans to serve all our neighbors and friends who are in need of assistance.
Certainly, the outreach of the Assumption Conference has not been idle. Now more than ever multiple calls fill the conference’s help line requesting assistance with unusually high utility bills, rental assistance bills, and other needs. So many of our good neighbors have been slammed by COVID-19 both by the virus and loss of employment.
Fortunately, Assumption SVdP has been able to assist in keyways, especially through partial financial assistance, direction to other help agencies, and food. All this is only possible because of the generosity of Assumption Parishioners, the supportive members who fuel the success of the Society. So, as we enter November and December the Society appeals once more. The last weekend of October is the 5th Sunday of the month, and so we especially appeal for all parishioners’ financial generosity.
Throughout the two coming months the Society is asking for food items to fill holiday gift boxes. Items include bread stuffing, instant potatoes, dinner rolls, cereals (please no sweet products), pasta sauce, canned cranberries, 12oz jars of peanut butter and jellies, canned foods - yams, gravy, green beans, corn, fruits, soups, and veggies. Toiletries are welcomed as well. Especially needed now are gift cards for Safeway, Target, Food Outlet. Any denomination works.
Please place in collection baskets over the coming months or drop off at rectory. Finally, as the Society prepares the gift boxes for the holidays it envisions this work as the loving work of all parishioners, so in the weeks ahead more details to follow. The St Vincent de Paul Society’s work and success is totally a reflection of Assumption Parishioners’ generosity. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!