Spring Cleaning of the Church - Summer Service Hours for parents

In preparation of our Feast of Assumption on August 15, 2021, we will do a much needed deep cleaning on Saturday, July 31 @ 10am

Fr. John will be recruiting for these positions from the pulpit;  asking for volunteer families to come and help "spruce things up." The environmental coordinator, Mr. George Aguiar has divided the Church into eight segments, four in the middle with four on the sides.  Hopefully, sweeping, moping and Murphy's Oil Soap will make a transformation from within.  Help lead the teams.  Lunch will be served when all are finished or as necessary (you know who you are) in the Plaza.  10AM until 1PM (if it goes that long!).

Email George or Father John to sign up.
Contact: George Aguiar
Email: [email protected]

More Info: http://www.assumptionsanleandro.org/