Assumption School and Parish Raise $8,600 to Support Hot Breakfasts for Low-Income Preschoolers

St. Nick's Boutique Sets a New Fundraising Record, Raising $8,600
Huge thanks go out to the Assumption community, which has really stepped up for Davis Street!  Between the succulent plant fundraiser and the St. Nick's Boutique virtual auction, the community raised a record $8,600 for Davis Street's Hot Breakfast Program for Low-Income Preschoolers.  That is $3,000 more than the amount raised the year before!
It was such a treat when winning bidders came to the school campus to pick up their auction items and succulent Christmas trees.  Many relished the chance to see other parents and kids they'd not seen in person for months!  And special shout-out goes to members of Assumption's Girl Scout troop, who spent the day sorting auction items and fulfilling orders.  Additional donations continued to pour in even after the auction closed, to bring the total raised to $8,600 - an astonishing show of support during this historically difficult time. 
For 20 years, the Assumption community has celebrated the spirit of giving by raising funds for the Davis Street Hot Breakfast Program for low-income preschoolers. And in this challenging year, Davis Street's services are needed more than ever.  
Thank you again, Assumption community!  You have really shown that together, we can do great things!