Faith Family Activity this Friday at 10 a.m.

Faith family activities are activities that gather at least one student from each grade into a small cross-grade group to build community relationships beyond the classroom. Usually these events are done in a classroom setting. We are going to try this via Zoom on Friday, October 9, during our Collaboration Block. We are encouraging ALL students to attend their faith family activity. 

8th graders will be leading the activity and have prepared a 20-minute presentation and activity to help students understand the Beatitudes, a scripture lesson on values. First, we begin with prayer and then there is a quick ice breaker for the students to participate in which introduces each member of the group to the others. Then a short movie about the beatitudes will be played and a reflection about what they learned. I am present to support the 8th grader, host the Zoom,  and be a resource to the faith family.

Here are the details:

Friday, October 9 at 10 a.m. 

A listing of Faith Families students names and Zoom Links will also be sent on Friday with the Virtual Morning Assembly.

After this quick introduction activity, we hope to have a more involved activity on October 23 at 10 a.m. that allows for students to learn about their Faith Family Patron Saint and participate in a poster creation for a Virtual Liturgy of the Word Prayer Service in November. We also hope to have other fun faith family activities during the year in this format as best as we can. 

A core value of Assumption School is building community school-wide. With Distance Learning, it can be just a little harder to do these kinds of things without being a little creative and taking a bit of a risk in trying something new. Thank you for your help and time.