Pallen's Martial Arts provides FREE PE Classes for San Leandro Schools

While COVID-19 has presented challenges to families struggling at home, experts agree that physical fitness and moderate exercise are more important than ever, now that we are restricted to our homes. 

Pallen's Martial Arts has been a Bay Area institution as a character-building martial arts studio for over 50 years, and we have continued to work to provide services to the community in this unprecedented time.  We are helping San Leandro students stay active and connected, even though students cannot be in the school and after-school fitness programs and sports. 

We are offering a FREE, new, online Physical Education Strive Fit Program for all San Leandro Schools (public and private), which has been designed for kids & family members of all ages and abilities. 

The Pallen’s school P.E. page is easily accessible from our homepage, and only schools and administrators with official school email addresses will be given the access password below to distribute to their students. There are more details and additional information in the attached press release. We hope to see you log on and take advantage of this free service, along side your students. 

Please post photos of your workout in your school-site gear on the Pallen’s facebook page or email them to us so we can show off your focus and engagement!  We appreciate all you and your education teams are doing for our students and families, and hope these workouts will help give everyone a brain break.  We can #thrivetogether!

School PE Program: 

School PE Program Password: PEforschools